My brother, yes, I call him my brother, he has been there for me so much in the last how many years and I honestly think the world of him.
I think my first memory of him is when my sister Jaime would talk about how awesome she thought it was that Sarah's boyfriend's truck had the bright and dim switch on the foot board of his truck....She really thought it was awesome!
I remember looking out the window at school one day and seeing his rent-a-pooper truck sitting in the parking lot waiting for my sister...
He has been such a huge part of my life and couldn't ask for anyone more perfect for my sister...
He taught me, VERY patiently how to drive a me, he was patient, and that is a lot from Paul...he made me go up a very large hill many times so I wouldn't kill the car...and trust me, it was many times before I mastered it, but he taught me and he taught me well!
I have seen Paul do some amazing things! One time when we were coming back from one of our many trips to Arkansas, the vehicle blew a fuse (I think that's what it was)...have no fear, Paul is here...he took the foil off of his cigarette package and rigged it just right in the fuse and low and behold, it worked...the vehicle ran smoothly from there on out...amazing!
I remember being so shocked then laughing so hard on another trip back from Arkansas where he was so frustrated at his cell phone, he looked at Sarah, asked, "Do we own this?" she shook her head yes and he promptly threw it out the window...we were all in shock watching the phone skid down the night road...then laughing at the fact that he actually just threw his phone out the window...Paul doesn't take crap from anyone, or anything!
I remember the long night drives on the way to Arkansas where it was only him and I awake in the vehicle (I have a very difficult time sleeping in vehicles)...talking, him telling me stories...his thoughts on things in life and just being amazed at all the knowledge and experience he had at such a young age.
I remember at Bass Camp, four wheeling...on the little kid four see, I have often times trusted Paul with my life, so I thought, "sure, why not have two adults get on a little kid four wheeler, if Paul thinks its safe, it must be"...Well, he decided to do some sort of a shriner act by whipping around and then immediately after, popping a wheelie (I still have no idea how he did that) I, by the way, jumped off the back and landed on my feet, he was pretty impressed with my cat like moves!
I remember all the vehicles I would bring him to fix, look at, or have him help me buy, he has truly always looked out for me....he has always been there when I needed advice or just wanted to be dumb to make him laugh and smile.
In the past two years, our bond has grown stronger than I had ever imagined it would be. I remember the first lunch that I brought him while he was in the hospital...subway...with EXTRA mayo...and that, was a lot of mayo! I remember being so scared and sad the first time going to visit him, I didn't know what to talk about or what to say or what to ask. I was so nervous and that felt weird to me...if any of you have ever met Paul, he is one that no one is ever nervous around (unless you made him mad, then yes, you should be nervous!). The minute I walked in the door, he gave me a smile and said his usual, "Hey slim" and all my inhibitions melted away...and from that moment on, I decided I would bring him lunch and visit him and Sarah as often as I could.
And boy did I, I soon was referred to by him as his lunch lady...every time that he was in the hospital, I would be there with lunch, drinks, hair clippers (his hair started falling out from the chemo so he asked me to bring a hair clipper to just shave it off...good idea, until the clipper died after about four minutes into shaving his head). I feel very fortunate that my work has been so understanding and
allowing me to take an hour of vacation time along with my lunch break
to be able to do really means the world to me!
The hours that I have spent with Sarah and Paul in the hospital are ones that I am forever going to treasure....I have seen the good, the bad, the sad, the angry, the happy, the scared....I have seen has not been easy what-so-ever, but I am grateful for that time, I am grateful that Sarah and Paul have felt so comfortable with me to share all those raw and sometimes intimate times with me. It truly is an honor.
Tonight, when their amazing Dr. Petnaik came in to talk with everyone, he summed up Paul better than I think anyone ever could. He told us that we should feel so privileged to know someone like him and in all of his years of being a doctor, he has never seen anyone with so much fight in them. I have seen that...we all have. Paul has been amazing during this entire journey....we never know how we would be in certain situations until we are actually put there....but I know, no one has done it like Paul (and what else would we expect!). You can tell once you meet Dr. Petnaik, he truly cares about Paul, you can tell that he wants what is best for him and that he knows just how amazing of a person that Paul is, and for that, I am grateful!
The fight is not over yet...we still have faith and prayers....we know that no matter where this journey takes Paul, he will be ok...he is just such an amazing man.
There is so much more my heart is telling me to write, but I just cannot put it into words...I love Paul so much and it hurts me to see the fear in his eyes...we are all scared...we don't know what to expect, but we do know one thing, we have all been blessed to know such an amazing, strong, loving, feisty, loyal man! I am grateful for his wonderful family and to be so welcomed by each and every one of them.
Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts, your prayers, your gestures of kindness, your hugs and just being there through this all...
Keep the fight Paul, we are by your side the entire time.